Dancing in The Light

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Meditation sometimes seems hard, but that’s often because the wrong information has been provided. Many teachings indicate
the need to still the mind, but use many
words to say how words cannot convey
true meaning; the finger pointing to the moon can never be the moon it leads
us to
, knowledge is to be experienced.

But the methods can seem difficult to achieve, the mind is restless, thoughts
distract us, we drift and keep having to remember what we’re supposed to be
doing, leaving us bored and so never experiencing the bliss of successful meditation. Some methods feel convoluted and maybe just make us think more,
not less, so how can it be achieved
easily and naturally?

No Mind is a simple but incredibly
powerful method anyone can do at
any time, it makes finding stillness and
peace of mind so much easier and
quicker to achieve, and some of the
most beautiful experiences can become accessible to you without any effort.

No need to focus too much on your breath, just imagine that the in-breath is travelling out, and the out-breath is travelling in,
feeling it moving against your throat
in the opposite direction.

Every state of mind has an associated breathing pattern, so by slowing your breathing you will calm your mind, and
as you calm your mind the less you need
to breathe, the less you think,
the less your brain needs.

Once you have done it a few times you will find that the breathing will take care of
itself, and eventually there will be longer
gaps when you almost forget to
breathe at all.

Here’s the important bit:

There is a moment, just before your next thought becomes words, when you know
what the thought will be without letting language get involved, so the only thing
to remember is “no words, know words”.

As you relax with your eyes closed, interrupt each thought before it becomes a full sentence and just know the meaning of
the words without thinking them, and
after a few times you will find you are able
to lengthen the gaps between each
thought, and you can effortlessly
achieve a trance state.

Without words to interfere, images can start to develop as if looking through rippling
water at first, and you might experience visions so real you have to question if
your eyes are open.

If your mind drifts on to other matters,
such as tasks and issues still to be
dealt with later, just acknowledge that
the time for thinking about a solution can wait, and will indeed be improved by returning to the gaps between thoughts
for the next few minutes.

I hope you find this simple technique useful, and that it provides you with a powerful
but easily-achievable sense of peace and calm to help you get through the day.

I created my cobra illustration by hand, cell by cell, taking around 12 months to make, carefully twisting each cell into dynamic relationships with the surrounding cells.

July 2003

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Since May 15, 2017

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