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As it parades across the summer sky, the sun

beckons the face of every  sunflower to follow her,

each enchanted heart bound to the heart

of our celestial ancestor by the light shared between stars.

All turn entranced and beguiled, almost in worship

of the life-giving day, and the power of sunshine

that flows through each vein of every leaf

is captured and transmuted into the energy and potential

of the next generation of sunflowers, and in turn

the starlight becomes the bee and the snail,

and everything that has ever lived.

I call my style “Stardust” because everything is made from stars,

even the rocks and the oceans began in the embers

of dead and dying suns, and the twisting threads that

run between each of my stars represents the cosmic web

that holds each galaxy in place and guides them across the universe.

“The cosmos is within us. We are made of star-stuff. We are
a way for the universe to know itself.” - Carl Sagan

April 12 – May 13 , 2020
then August 27, 2023 – January 18, 2024

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Starlight by Nicholas Rumbelow - close-up detail Starlight by Nicholas Rumbelow - close-up detail Starlight by Nicholas Rumbelow - close-up detail Starlight by Nicholas Rumbelow - close-up detail Starlight by Nicholas Rumbelow - close-up detail Starlight by Nicholas Rumbelow - close-up detail Starlight by Nicholas Rumbelow - close-up detail Starlight by Nicholas Rumbelow - close-up detail Starlight by Nicholas Rumbelow - close-up detail Starlight by Nicholas Rumbelow - close-up detail Starlight by Nicholas Rumbelow - close-up detail Starlight by Nicholas Rumbelow - close-up detail Starlight by Nicholas Rumbelow - close-up detail Starlight by Nicholas Rumbelow - close-up detail Starlight by Nicholas Rumbelow - close-up detail Starlight by Nicholas Rumbelow - close-up detail Starlight by Nicholas Rumbelow - close-up detail Starlight by Nicholas Rumbelow - close-up detail Starlight by Nicholas Rumbelow - close-up detail Starlight by Nicholas Rumbelow - close-up detail Starlight by Nicholas Rumbelow - close-up detail Starlight by Nicholas Rumbelow - close-up detail Starlight by Nicholas Rumbelow - close-up detail Starlight by Nicholas Rumbelow - close-up detail Starlight by Nicholas Rumbelow - close-up detail Starlight by Nicholas Rumbelow - close-up detail